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Apache Handlers

This Article Includes: Adding and Removing Apache Handlers

After Logged in Click on the “Apache Handlers” Icon Located Under the “Advanced” Heading

Apache handlers control how your site’s Apache webserver software manages certain file types and file extensions. Apache comes configured to handle CGI scripts and server-parsed files. Their file extensions include: .cgi, .pl, .plx, .ppl, .perl, and .shtml.

You can configure Apache to handle a new file type with an existing handler by manually adding the handler and extension to cPanel. For example, to have the server treat files with the extension .example as CGI files, you would type “cgi-script” under Handler and .example under Extension(s).

Add an Apache Handler

To add an Apache handler:

1. Enter the handler name into the Handler field. The built-in handlers are as follows:
* default-handler: Sends the file using Apache’s default handler for static content.
* send-as-is: Sends the file with HTTP headers as they are.
* cgi-script: Handles the file as a CGI script.
* imap-file: Parses the file as an imagemap rule file; for more information, see Apache’s documentation.
* server-info: Retrieves the server’s configuration information.
* server-parsed: Parses the file for server-side includes.
* server-status: Retrieves the server’s status report.
* type-map: Parses the file as a type-map file; for more information, see Apache’s documentation.

2. Enter the file extension in the Extension(s) field.
* You may enter more than 1 extension at a time. Simply separate each entry with space. A file extension is made of the letters after the dot in a file name. For example, filename.file extension.

3. Click Add.

Note: This interface does not allow you to create custom Apache handlers.

Remove a Handler

To remove an existing user-defined handler:

1. Click the X button under the Remove heading next to the appropriate handler in the User Defined Apache Handlers table.

2. Click Yes to confirm that you wish to remove the handler.

Note: The file extensions automatically handled by Apache, in the System Apache Handlers table, cannot be removed.

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