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Managing Email Accounts on Mach Servers

This Article Includes: Managing Your Email User Accounts, Email Aliases and Forwards, Spam Filtering, Blacklist and Whitelist, Setting a Catch-All, and Auto-Responders.

NOTE: The Instructions below Assume that you have logged into your Control panel at:
http://”Your Domain”/control (Where “Your Domain” is your Actual Domain). If You do not know what type Server you are on Please see the “What Type Server is My Email Hosted on?” Article under this same Category.

MANAGE EMAIL USER ACCOUNTS: To Access, Edit or Remove Your Email User Accounts Click on the “Users” Link Located Directly Under the “Control Panel” Logo In the Line that reads:
Email Menus [ aliases autoresponders blacklist countries main users whitelist ]

* This Page will List Your Current Email User Accounts

– To The Far Left Side of the Page (The first Column) is the User Name.

– The Center Column Includes Information Abount the Email User Account.

Disk Usage: (Space Used of Allocatted space to this user)
*You can Modify the Allocatted disk space of an email user by clicking on the “Allocatted space” Number (You will see this number is a link underlined/blue).
NOTE: Max Disk quota an email user can have is 100MB.
NOTE: If the Disk Space Quota appears in Red means the Account is over the Allocatted Disk Quota.

User Type: This will always say: “Mail User” Except for the Primary Admin User Account (Eg; The username you use to login to the Control Panel)

Anti-Spam: This indicates whether you have the spam Filtering Enabled or Disabled. *See Below for Manageing Spam Filters.

Anti-Virus/Blacklist: Allows you to Archive or Delete Your Current Blacklist. NOTE: Archive will not be active unless you have a very large blacklist.

– The Right Column Includes Updating your Password, Deleting a Email User Account, and Managing the Spam Filters for this Email User Account.

New Password: To update the Email User Password, enter the new Password in the “New Password” Field and Click on the “Set” Button”

Remove User: To Delete The Email User Account, Check the Check Box and Click on the “Remove” Button.

Anti-Spam: To Enable or Disable the Spam Filtering Click on the “Manage” Link. If you have filtered emails in the Spam Folder you will also see a “Review” Link. NOTE: You will Find Instructions for Managing Your Spam Filters by Clicking on the “Manage” Link.
To Remove the Spam Filtering Scroll to the bottom of the Page and Click on the “Remove Anti-Spam” Button.

MANAGE EMAIL ALIASES & FORWARDS: To Access, Edit or Remove Your Email Aliases Click on the “aliases” Link Located Directly Under the “Control Panel” Logo In the Line that reads:
Email Menus [ aliases autoresponders blacklist countries main users whitelist ]

* This Page will List Your Current Email Aliases Accounts

– To The Far Left Side of the Page (The first Column) is the Email Address.

– The Center Column List the Email Address or the User Account that the Email is Forwarded to.

– The Right Column provides Links to Delete the Alias or to Edit the Alias.

Add a New Alias or Email Forward: Scroll to the bottom of the Aliases Page Under the Grey Bar That Says: “Add a Mail Alias”

– In the Far Left Field Add the Name Of the Email Address @”Your Domain” That you want to Have as an email address.

– In the Center Field “Goes To” Put the Email Address you wish to forward to. NOTE: If you want to forward this email to an Email User Account you Have setup then simply put that user name in this field.

– Click on the “Add Alias” Button to the right.

SETTING A CATCH-ALL: The Bottom Entry of the Aliases Page will Be the Catch-all NOTE: a Catch-all delivers all emails that are addressed to an email address at your domain that is not an email address you have setup (Eg; anything@”Your Domains”) to a specified email address or Email account.

WARNING !!! Catch-alls are an invitation to spammers. We HIGHLY Reccomend that you set your Catchall to “devnull” (without the quotes) as this will delete all emails sent to your domain with out a proper email address. NOTE: People who are emailing you for legitimate reasons do not just randomly pick an email address.

If you Do wish to set your Catch-All Click on the “Edit” Link to the Far right of the Page and enter the email address or email user you wish to have these emails forwarded to in the “Goes To” Field.

MANAGING AUTO RESPONDER: To Access, Edit or Remove Your Email Auto-Responders Click on the “autoresponders” Link Located Directly Under the “Control Panel” Logo In the Line that reads:
Email Menus [ aliases autoresponders blacklist countries main users whitelist ]

* This Page will List Your Current EmailAutoresponders

NOTE: You will Find Specific Instructions for Adding your Autoresponders on this Page.

MANAGING YOUR BLACKLIST: To View, Add or Remove Email Addresses or Domains from your Blacklist Click on the “blacklist” Link Located Directly Under the “Control Panel” Logo In the Line that reads:
Email Menus [ aliases autoresponders blacklist countries main users whitelist ]

* This Page will List EmailAddresses and Domains which you Have Blacklisted

NOTE: The Blacklist allows you to specify email addresses or Domains that you DO NOT want to receive emails from. Generally Email Addresses and/or Domains are added to the Blacklist because they are sending you spam or unwanted emails. You will Find instructions for adding email addresses and domains to your Blacklist at the top of the Blacklist page.

MANAGING COUNTRIES: To Specify which Countries you wish to receive Emails from Click on the “countries” Link Located Directly Under the “Control Panel” Logo In the Line that reads:
Email Menus [ aliases autoresponders blacklist countries main users whitelist ]

NOTE: By Default your Account is set to receive emails from all Countries. For Countries you DO NOT want to receive emails from simply Uncheck those Countries.

* This is a Very Good way to Reduce Spam.

MANAGING WHITELIST: To View, Add or Remove Email Addresses or Domains from your Whitelist Click on the “whitelist” Link Located Directly Under the “Control Panel” Logo In the Line that reads:
Email Menus [ aliases autoresponders blacklist countries main users whitelist ]

* This Page will List EmailAddresses and Domains which you Have Whitelisted

NOTE: The Whitelist allows you to specify email addresses or Domains that you ALWAYS want to receive emails from. Generally, Email Addresses and/or Domains are added to the Whitelist to ensure that they are not Filtered as Spam (Whitelisted items bypass the spam filter). You will find instructions for adding email addresses and domains to your Whitelist at the top of the Whitelist page.

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