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Managing Email Auto Responders

This Article Includes: Adding, Starting, Stopping, and Scheduling a Auto Responder.

The First Step is to log in to your cPanel Control Panel. You should be able to log in at: (where is your actual Domain).

Managing Auto-Responders:

You can use auto responders to send a message back automatically to anyone who sends an email to a specified account. This can be useful for times when you are on vacation or unavailable, or if you have a generic message that you wish to send from a support email address, or Info address, etc.

After Logging Into your Control Panel, Click on the “Auto Responders” Icon Located under the “Mail” Heading   This Page will List any Current Auto-Responders you Have setup.

To add or edit an auto responder:

#1. Click Add Autoresponder to create a new auto responder. Or, find a current auto responder and click Edit.

#2. Choose a character set.

#3. Specify the interval, in hours, you wish for the autoresponder to wait between responses to the same email address.
* For example, if you set up an autoresponder with an interval of 24, and you receive an email from [email protected] at 8 am on Monday, the autoresponder will respond to his message immediately. If, however, [email protected] continues to email you throughout the day, the autoresponder will not send him another response for 24 hours after his initial email (in this case, 8 am Tuesday). If he emails you again after the 24-hour interval expires, he will receive an auto response immediately.
* note Note: If the interval is set to 0, cPanel sends an auto response to each email.

#4. Define the email address whose mail you wish the system to respond to.

#5. In the From and Subject fields, type the username and subject you want to appear in the response.

#6. If the message includes HTML tags, click the HTML checkbox.

#7. In the Body field, type the text of the response. In the message body, you can include tags, enclosed in double quotes (“). You can use these tags to insert information, such as the incoming email’s sender or subject, into the body of the email. Available tags are:
“subject” The subject of the message that was sent to the auto responder.
“from” The name of the sender of the message received by the auto responder, if available. (If the sender’s name was not received, from will print the sender’s email address.)
“email” The sender’s email address.

#8. Select a start time. You can choose Immediately or Custom.
* If you select Custom, a small calendar will pop up. Navigate between months using the arrows and click your preferred date. Then, enter a time at the bottom of the calendar and select AM or PM from the the drop-down menu. Finally, click X to exit out of the calendar.

#9. Select a stop time. You can choose Never or Custom.
* If you select Custom, a small calendar will pop up. Navigate between months using the arrows and click your preferred date. Then, enter a time at the bottom of the calendar and select AM or PM from the the drop-down menu. Finally, click X to exit out of the calendar.
* note Note: You must choose a stop time that is later than the start time.

#10. Click Create/Modify to store the new auto responder.

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