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My Page is Not There after Uploading it to the server

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I Cannot Access My Pages by Browser after I Upload them:

The Only way this can happen is if you are uploading to the wrong directory. Please ensure you are uploading to the correct directory on the server. NOTE: This Assumes you can actually see that the pages were uploaded to the server in the Remote frame of your FTP Client.

WHERE TO UPLOAD YOUR FILES: Where you upload your files to depends on which type server you are hosted on. If you do not know which type server your website is hosted on Please see “What Type Server Is My Web Hosting On?” Below.

Mach Servers: With Your Default Directory set to / (yes just a forward slash) In your FTP Client. This will Log you into the directory to upload your website pages to.

Plesk Servers: (Applies to Unix and Windows servers with Plesk). With Your Default Directory set to / (yes just a forward slash) In your FTP Client. This will Log you into the home directory. Browse Into (generally double click on) the /httpdocs Directory. This is where you should upload your pages to that you want accessible by browser. NOTE: You can Optionally set your FTP Default Directory to /httpdocs

CPanel Servers: With Your Default Directory set to / (yes just a forward slash) In your FTP Client. This will Log you into the home directory. Browse Into (generally double click on) the /public_html Directory. This is where you should upload your pages to that you want accessible by browser. NOTE: You can Optionally set your FTP Default Directory to /public_html

What Type Server Is My Website Hosted On?

The easiest way to know what type server your Web Site is Hosted on is by How you Access the Control Panel.

Mach Servers: Control Panel Access: (Where is your Actual Domain Name).

Plesk Servers: Control Panel Access: (Where is your Actual Domain Name).

CPanel Servers: Control Panel Access: (Where is your Actual Domain Name).

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