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My Website Appears to be down

This Article includes troubleshooting steps to determine why you are not able to access your website by Browser.

NOTE: While many of the things listed below may seem like simple, common sence type things, please bare in mind it is easy to make a mistake, and this Article is based on common occurances we have experienced.

#1. Double Check the URL You are using? Is your domain spelled correctly? are you using the correct tld on your domain (.com, .net, .org, etc) ? Is your URL Properly Formatted in the Browser Address Bar.   DO NOT Assume that a link from a search engine is always correct!

A Properly formatted Url in your Browsers address bar should look like:   (Where is your actual domain name).

NOTE: The address should always start with http:// You can only use https:// if you have a SSL Cert.

#2. Can you access and Browse other websites? Ensure that you can access other websites. Make sure you browse several pages of other websites. Just going to a website you access often may be cached to your computer. Browse several pages.. If you can not access any websites then you are having a ISP Issue and should contact your Internet Service Provider.

#3. Has Your Domain Expired? If you are not absolutely sure then you should view a whois and ensure that the domain has not expired.   You can view a public whois here:

#4. Have you Made any Recent Changes to your Domain? Have you updated the Name Servers, or DNS Records ?   Have you added email redirects or Forwards ?   NOTE: Using the email Forwarding service on Domain names registered with us will change the Name Servers. This is also VERY common with other Domain Registrars.   Check the Name Servers on your Domain. If your Domain is Hosted with us then the Name Servers should be set to: and

#5. All of the Above are accurate & ok: We may be experiencing a server or network issue. Please submit a support ticket by emailing: [email protected]

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